Friday, August 11, 2017

The Logical Poem-Story

Eons ago in a fathomless destitute crime-ridden inner city
far, far away-Chicago-we met in a vacant lot overgrown
with the most wretched of devil weeds-gnarled, tangled,
twisted stems like steel cables intertwined, seized ankles,
ripped shoes off mid-stride, threw children to the ground;

grasshoppers the size of finger-fat tootsie rolls hugged
tall stalks, shifted around away from intruders, jumped
blind in free flight withersoever they would go to smack
into whatever they hit and to cling with sticky barbed legs
wherever they landed, my nose and ears included.

We discussed the greater matters of life as most kids do,
like where you might come out if you dug a hole through
the earth-Paul said China, I shook my head no; Bob said
China, Christy said it, my brother said it, Cathy said it,
all said China-mad that I shook my head no. Ran home
whining-he won't believe us-got the adults involved.

Mrs. Shuzack said it, my mom even dared to say it, and
there in the midst of the black cracked asphalt street,
John's dad shook a rough knuckled finger in my face,
his sad eyes strained behind hedge row brows, and
declared boldly before all-they come out in China.

Then some school teachers strolling home agreed, like
buzzing bees together, that if we dug a hole through the
earth, we'd come out in China; a few park officials, sharp
and smart in their steam-starch-pressed green uniforms
bearing pointed polished badges, nodded to me to give it
up, as if that were the noble or honorable thing to do.

Someone finally asked me why I shook my head no, so
I smiled and said, "Don't you know, if you dig a hole
through the earth, you come to the molten core and die."

That was the end of that.

                                                      ¦ ~ ¦ ~ ¦

Published in Dropping Ants into Poems, NavWorks Press, 2017
Available worldwide and at reduced price at the Curio Bookstore
ISBN: 9781366548467

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

NavWorks Press Announces Release of Two New Books: Dropping Ants into Poems & Sometimes Anyway

Monday, October 10, 2016

Pride in Poetry Volume II ~ Patron of the Arts

Pride in Poetry ~ Patron of the Arts

Hi, I’m DE Navarro, Author, Poet, and Editor.

I want to help new and undiscovered poets break into print.  I promote poetry and the writing arts in English worldwide.

I have undertaken a book project to publish 50 poets.
The cost of publishing a poetry book is well over $1000 when you secure ISBN, copyright, layout & design, materials, printing, and marketing.

I successfully published 76 poets in 2009 in Between Life and Language: Pride in Poetry Volume I.  It helped to launch the poetic careers of a number of beginning poets who went on to win other contests, to get published, and to become poet laureates in their communities or states.

This is an opportunity for YOU to become a Patron of the Arts. Your patronage will support the production and publication of Pride in Poetry Volume II.

This is great advertisement for you or your company. Your name will be listed on the “Patron” page as one of the sponsors who made this volume possible. The amount you give will not be listed, just that you are a Patron of the Arts.

Please become a Patron of the Arts and support young and beginning poets to break into print.
The fact of the matter is, most art and literature is funded by patrons and foundations because there is no profit in it for big business.

Only people like you and me keep the arts and humanities alive in our day and time by donating time, energy, expertise and funds.

I will be doing all the production work and making up the difference in funds out of my own pocket.
It will mean a great deal to me and to 50 poets if you help with this project.  I will be extremely grateful and will honor you by sending you a complimentary copy of Pride in Poetry Volume II when it is complete (by December).

You will be proud to be a part of this volume.

Click the link to become a Patron of the Arts.

Thank you again for keeping the arts and humanities alive in our world today.

Between Life and Language: Pride in Poetry Volume I

Or perhaps you'd rather submit poetry for the contest and book.  Read about it at the link below.